Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Four Mystical Keys

Originally The Four Mystical Keys forms are literally key shape. The keys are blessed by holy water and spirit of God. The people of Vulgate called it as Keys of God. When the first attempt of Satan to steal the Keys, the Four Mystical Keys was used by four Monks to fight Satan, they defeated Satan but the Monks and the Keys merge into one as four magical orbs which gives life on to its own. After the first war with Satan the highest Priestess spread the Four Magical Keys from the four different directions of the world. From then on no one knows what the keys are like.

The Four Mystical Keys symbolizes the four elements of the world:

The Element of Air - The Power of Speed and Will
The Element of Water - The Power of Chimera and Intuition's Defence
The Element of Earth -The Power of Empathy and Destruction
The Element of Fire - The Power of Radiance and Anger